Monday, November 5, 2007

Economic Downturn Attack on February 2008?

Several reasons:

1. All prices going up: oil, chicken, property, wheat, etc. Needs Economic downturn to stabilize the price

2. China market and shares keep going up and up continuously..Most people in China can make money easily by involving in the market share...this is a bad news to the world..Therefore economic downturn is needed for China market retracement

3. Both above happened in 1997, right before economic downturn. Hint for the next economic downturn? 2008?

4. US foreign exchange (the biggest currency player) is too weak...keep going down..

5. Economic downturn happened every 10 years for market stabilization/retracement: 1987, 1997, and then 2008?

6. Market will go up during Chrismas and Chinese New Year, then it is the right time to have economic downturn on February 2008?

Just wait and see..

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